I followed a tight time planning for this project.

Design timeline

The outdoor recreation activites are trending.

According to the 2023 Outdoor Participation Trends Report, the outdoor recreation participant base grew by 2.3 percent in 2022, reaching a record of 168.1 million participants, or 55 percent of the U.S. population ages six and older.

I also learn from personal experiences.

Hikers are facing dangers for varied reasons.

One of the reaons is wander off trail.

Wandering off trail may cause problems.

By conducting interviews, I found two types of users.

I had 40-min interiews with

What are users’ needs?

Findings from interviews

Later, I structured the user journey map.

What are the traits of each user group?

A. Novice

B. Master

C. Others

I brainstormed and processed a technology discovery.

Physical method



Chemical method



Then, an eco-friendly bioluminescent method is found.


After the researches, how might we ensure hikers safety without disrupting their hiking experience?

I followed the following design principles for the product.

A few ideas about the product come out.

I Analyzed design details to define the project vision and stakeholders.

The developed bioluminescent methods and devices are not only beneficial for hikers but can also be widely applied in areas such as resource optimization, resource conservation, bioluminescent aesthetics, and quality of life enhancement.

I sytheesized a story board for the users.

Hiking poles products are coming out.



The information architecture formed the Lumina app.

There are some selected designs.

Mobile app

Watch app

In the app, user needs to follow this flow to edit the map.

During the hiking, hikers spray the marks by using the poles and watch.

In the Homepage, I came up two options and finally chose A.

For the map editing, I also came up two options and finally chose Plan B.

More detailed designs on watch.

Poles Details on watch

Review of the routes

During the spraying

Finally, I summeried the branding details of the project. 

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