DEFEND, a non-profit organization registered under the Canada Not-For-Profit Act is run entirely by volunteers who aim to protect children and other vulnerable individuals from online predators and other dangers on social media worldwide. The organization is currently focusing on three key areas: Advocacy, Technology, and Education.
I joined the social media team, 65 square, as a UI/UX designer for 3 months. I collaborated closely with the vice chair, product manager, design team, and engineering team during the entire time.
What are the methods for effectively onboarding first-time users to our app and helping them successfully engage with our products?
The login process of this app encompasses various phases such as account creation, email verification, subscription management, payment methods, facial recognition, and voice recognition.
To clearly illustrate the login process and identify pain points for users, I created a user journey.
Mission statement: Lobby for measures to prevent accessing children and other vulnerable people through the use of social media.
Vision Statement: A safe, online solution for children and vulnerable people.
I discovered that the word "defend" is already very powerful and representative of our brand, so I concentrated on the lettering itself to convey the core of Defend's mission.
These icons and animations boost the user's efficiency and enjoyment during product usage, now incorporated into the overall product flow and the application's UI library.
Each icon is crafted following the mock-up designs developed by team members.
After completing specific icons, especially those with animations, I consult with the design leader to confirm visual accuracy and collaborate with the engineering team to guarantee proper implementation.
While I aim to accommodate a broad range of users, including both children and adults, striking a balance in the design process can be challenging. The solution is to embrace this challenge and thoughtfully incorporate features that cater to the diverse needs of users across different age groups.